What are the requirements for fruiting cactus?
Most cactus collectors enjoy the challenge of coaxing plants into bloom, which is not difficult if the plants are fully mature and a few basic needs are met.
Most cactus collectors enjoy the challenge of coaxing plants into bloom, which is not difficult if the plants are fully mature and a few basic needs are met.
If you have a bright south window or other spot that gets strong sun for at least 4 hours a day, you have a good place to grow cacti and succulents.
Here is the list of top 12 bulbs, corms and tubers to grow indoor and out door for beautiful container gardening.
Indeed, the seasonal light and temperature cycles of warm-natured bulbs vary so much that few generalizations can be made.
Bulbs, corms, and other types of storage roots are packed with the nutrients plants need to grow and bloom, and some actually contain the cells of the flowers to come
There are dozens of species and named hybrids, which vary in size, leaf variegation, and flower color.
Zebra Plant-Saffron Spike: APHELANDRA’S GLOSSY GREEN LEAVES marked with bold white leaf veins are reason enough to grow…
THE COLORFUL, WAXY, HEART-SHAPED SPATHES of anthurium (FLAMINGO FLOWER), which are often seen in cut-flower arrangements, are the…
Care of philodendrons as indoor are easy to care for and can be grown in a variety of environments, including homes with a moderate temperature range.
A plant propagation station has all of the supplies that you need to get started and where you can keep your plants until they are ready to be transplanted.
While there are plenty of houseplants that are poisonous to cats there are also many that are the best cat friendly house plants and are safe for them to enjoy.
Just be sure to give your plant plenty of bright light, water it regularly, and pinch back the tips of the leaves to encourage growth for bushy spider plant.