Song of India plant in a white planter pot being watered with a white watering pitcher.

The Top 5 Best Monstera Plant Foods

Best Fertilizers for Monstera

Oh boy, don’t get me started on my Monstera obsession.

It all started when I was just a tiny plant momma, barely able to keep a cactus alive… and then one day, I found myself standing in the plant aisle of a hardware store, wide-eyed and awe-struck by the gorgeous Swiss cheese plant – yes, the Monstera Deliciosa.

It was love at first sight… or maybe it was terror because, if I’m being honest, my track record with plants up until that point was not great.

Like, seriously, have you ever had one of those moments where you’re not sure whether you should trust yourself? Well, this was one of those times for me. I felt like a teenager getting their driver’s license for the first time, excited but acutely aware of the potential for disaster.

My heart said,

“Get the Monstera!

It’s beautiful!

It will transform your living room!”

But my head screamed, “Remember the houseplant of ’21! You’re a serial plant-killer!” It was quite the internal debate, let me tell you.

But, there it was – a beautifully monstrous Monstera, reaching out to me with its intricately cut leaves, begging me to give it a chance.

And despite my initial fears and a highly questionable past with anything green, I took a leap of faith. After all, everyone deserves a chance, right? And so, I adopted my first Monstera, brought it home, and promised to do everything in my power to keep it thriving.

And, spoiler alert, guys… I did NOT wake up the next day with a magically green thumb.

Nope, it was a long, uphill battle of trial, error, frantic Google searches, and oh-so-many close calls… But in the midst of my crazy plant mom journey, I discovered something

– the right fertilizer can truly make all the difference.

Seriously, it’s like finding the cheat code to raise healthy, vibrant Monsteras.

You know what?

If I can go from unintentional plant assassin to successful Monstera momma, so can you!

And to help you along, I’ve got the lowdown on the top 5 best fertilizers for your Monstera.

Lets get started …

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Top 5 Best Fertilizer for Monstera

Monsteras, these crazy-cool tropical plants that have stolen the hearts of indoor gardeners everywhere, including yours truly.

With their massive, eye-catching leaves full of unique patterns,

And you know what? They’re surprisingly low-drama which is a total win if you’re trying to cultivate your indoor jungle without losing your sanity in the process.

But here’s the thing – as easy-going as Monsteras are, they still need some love and care, especially in the nutrition department.

It’s kinda like us humans – we can’t live off potato chips and soda alone (as much as we might want to).

Like all living things, Monsteras need a balanced diet of the right elements and minerals to strut their stuff.

A good Fertilizer can help your Monstera grow from ‘doing okay’ to ‘OMG, look at those leaves!’

. And, trust me, not all fertilizers are created equal. Some are organic, others are chemical, but what really matters is what they bring to the dinner table.

Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (aka N-P-K) – these are the big three when it comes to plant nutrients. But there’s more – other micronutrients like calcium, magnesium, and iron also play a big role in your Monstera’s wellbeing.

Choosing a fertilizer might seem like rocket science, but it doesn’t have to be.

I mean, i remember the days when I couldn’t tell a pothos from a philodendron?

Well, I’ve long way since then, and I’ve got your back! I’ve rolled up my sleeves, dug into the dirt (pun absolutely intended), and sifted through countless fertilizers to bring you the top 5 best options for your Monstera.

Top 5 Best Fertilizers for Monstera

Liqui-Dirt Nano Powder All-Purpose Organic Plant Food

Liqui-Dirt is seriously the bomb when it comes to Monstera fertilizers!

What’s the scoop? Well, it’s a super-concentrated powder packed with not one, not two, but 18 balanced super nutrients.

I mean, talk about a gourmet meal for your Monstera!

It’s got everything from vitamins and minerals, to micro-fungi and bio-organisms. Since I started treating my Monstera with Liqui-Dirt, let’s just say my leafy buddy has been putting on quite the growth spurt.

Plus, I love how versatile it is.

Whether you’re into hydroponics, semi-hydro, lecca, or other growing media, Liqui-Dirt’s got your back.

But the best part is the concentrated powder formula makes it super easy to mix and apply, so even a scatterbrain like me doesn’t have to worry about over-fertilizing my plant babies.

Now, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.

I mean, remember the time I nearly drowned my poor succulent because the pot didn’t have drainage holes?

Sometimes, even the best stuff has its quirks.

With Liqui-Dirt, I found the instructions a tad bit confusing, and the packaging… well, let’s just say it could use a little love.

Also, a few other plant parents have mentioned some inconsistencies in the product texture.

Despite these few hiccups, I gotta say, Liqui-Dirt Nano Powder is a great.

The benefits outweigh the drawbacks, and honestly, my Monstera’s never looked healthier!

If your Monstera could use a little pick-me-up, give Liqui-Dirt a shot.

SUPERthrive Plant Vitamin Solution

Another major player in my Monstera care routine is the SUPERthrive Plant Vitamin Solution. Talk about a power-packed pick-me-up for your Monstera!

This stuff is just oozing with essential nutrients that have made my Monstera strut its stuff.

Now, the pros of SUPERthrive? Where do I even start?

For one, it’s a highly concentrated formula but non-toxic, making it a big win for all my green-thumb enthusiasts out there.

But the real magic is how it kickstarts root growth.

It’s like the power your Monstera needs, swooping in to strengthen the root base and reduce transplant shock when you’re repotting or moving your plant.

And let me tell you, after a few doses of this, my Monstera was looking brighter and healthier than ever.

But hey, nothing’s perfect, right?

So here are the cons.

First off, sorry to my plant buddies in Wisconsin and South Dakota, but this baby’s not sold in your states due to local regulations.

And because it’s in liquid form, you gotta be a little precise with the measuring and mixing.

Also, just a heads-up, the info on the label isn’t all that comprehensive, so you might need to do a little detective work online to figure out the best use for your particular plant.

But honestly, these little speed bumps don’t overshadow the wonders this vitamin solution does for your Monstera.

It’s like the green smoothie for your plant nutritious and stimulating.

So, if you’re keen on seeing your Monstera flourish, SUPERthrive Plant Vitamin Solution is worth a shot.

HOUSEPLANT RESOURCE CENTER Monstera Plant Food with NPK 5-2-3 Ratio

HOUSEPLANT RESOURCE CENTER Monstera Plant Food. I can’t tell you enough about how this thing transformed my Monstera’s life.

The pros? Oh, there are a few.

This plant food, is a recipe for a robust, healthy root system strengthening its roots and optimizing its nutrient intake.

This liquid formulation disperses nutrients in such a way that your Monstera looks like a supermodel with those vibrant, deep-green leaves.

Plus, the NPK ratio of 5-2-3 is amazing to make a for Monstera.

But then, of course, there are the cons.

I felt a bit misled about the quantity of the product, thinking ill get three bottles instead of one.

And yeah, it might be a bit pricier than other options. But hey, who said plant parenting was cheap?

Despite these small bumps, my journey with the Monstera Plant Food has been nothing short of amazing.

JR Peters Jacks Classic No.1.5 20-20-20 All Purpose Fertilizer

The JR Peters Jacks Classic 20-20-20 fertilizer will give your monstera plants that extra zing.

Why i recommend it

  • Indoor, outdoor, monstera, veggies – this all-rounder doesn’t discriminate. It’s got your back, regardless of where your green babies call home.
  • Fast green-up? Rapid leaf expansion? this is the fertilizer for you
  • This is the star player in countless vegetable gardens, and it’s got over 5,000 raving reviews to back it up. This isn’t just me talking, folks – it’s a tried and tested winner!

But hey, even superheroes have their kryptonite. For the JR Peters Jacks Classic, there are a few minor things to keep in mind:

  • If you’re a bit budget-conscious, this might seem like a big ask.
  • It’s a tad heavy-handed for those sensitive little plants.
  • And mixing it with water? It’s not the cleanest task – think, attempting to make instant coffee while half-asleep.

All said and done, this is still my go-to recommendation for a top-notch fertilizer. Yes, it can be messy. Yes, it can feel like a splurge. But when you see your monstera flourishing, trust me, it’s all worth it.

The Bottom line is: If you’re searching for a trustworthy, effective fertilizer to help your monstera thrive, the JR Peters Jacks Classic 20-20-20 should be your top pick. A few small cons compared to the immense benefits? That’s a trade I’ll take any day!

GreenGro Pride Lands Veg Fertilizer

If you want your plant babies to thrive, then Pride Lands Veg Fertilizer is just what you need!

Let’s jump into what makes it so awesome:

  • You want to see your plants burst into life, right? Well, this stuff boosts plant yields and can even rescue those droopy ones we sometimes (accidentally) neglect.
  • Its ease of use is a dream come true! Top dressing, soil amendment during transplant, or making compost tea – you name it, Pride Lands Veg can do it!
  • And guess what? The results are lightning fast, and the ingredients are all non-GMO. Can you hear your monstera cheering already?

But wait! Here are a couple of things you might want to consider:

  • It might be a bit of a splurge for some folks.
  • Its magic mainly works during the vegetative growth stage, so you might need to look elsewhere for other stages of growth.
  • And that 35lb bag? It could be a bit much if you’re just gardening at home.

After using the GreenGro Pride Lands Veg, I’ve been amazed at the transformation in my own monstera.

I mean, who could resist those vibrant colors and vigorous growth?

And all this within just 48 hours of use! Plus, knowing that it’s non-GMO and sustainably harvested ingredients… That’s peace of mind you just can’t buy.

Sure, it’s has a few downsides, but all in all, if you’re chasing after an easy, effective, and organic boost for your monstera, the GreenGro Pride Lands Veg is a solid choice.

What Makes the Best Fertilizer for Monstera Plants?

When it comes to fueling our Monstera plants, it’s like cooking a gourmet meal. You need just the right ingredients in the right proportions, wouldn’t you agree? 🍽️

Here’s the recipe for Monstera success:

  • The main ingredients: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K). Nitrogen is like the leafy green in your salad, making for lush foliage. Phosphorus is like the protein, supporting root development and flowering, while Potassium boosts the immune system, fighting off diseases and pests. So make sure your fertilizer has a balanced N-P-K mix!
  • The method: What type of fertilizer do you prefer? Liquid fertilizers are like a quick snack, providing nutrients on the go, while granular and slow-release ones are more like a slow-cooked stew, releasing nutrients over time. Choose according to your plant’s hunger pangs and your care routine!

Wondering what to look for on the fertilizer shopping trip? Keep these things in mind:

  • Water Solubility: A good fertilizer should dissolve well in water. That’s like the gravy absorbing all the flavors, right? 🥣
  • Organic Content: Organic fertilizers not only feed your plant but also the soil. It’s like serving a complete meal with all the sides!
  • Nutrient Ratios: Like getting a balanced diet, your Monstera needs balanced nutrients to grow happy and healthy.
  • Ease of Use: You wouldn’t want a recipe that’s too complicated, right? Similarly, your fertilizer should be easy to apply!

Of course, we can’t ignore safety. We love our plants, but we also love our kids and pets! So always check for harsh chemicals and trust the reputable brands, just as you’d only buy trusted food brands for your family.

Signs That It’s Time to Fertilize Your Monstera

Now, just like us, even plants give signs when they’re hungry. And as a good plant parent, we should know how to read those! Here are some signs your Monstera might be craving some fertilizer:

  • Yellowing leaves: Like us looking pale when we’re low on nutrients, leaves turning yellow is a cry for help.
  • Slow growth or no new growth: If your Monstera isn’t popping out new leaves, it’s probably nutrient-starved.
  • Smaller leaves with larger gaps: If your Monstera is producing smaller leaves with larger gaps, it’s telling you it’s hungry.
  • Weak and leggy stems: Just as we feel weak without enough food, your Monstera stems might go weak if they’re undernourished.
  • Leaves with brown edges: If the leaf edges or tips are turning brown, it’s high time you fed your plant.

And guess what? If you see any of these signs, it’s time for some serious Monstera meal prep!

How Often to Fertilize Monstera Adansonii

When it comes to fertilizing Monstera Adansonii, it’s important to maintain a regular schedule to ensure its optimal growth.

We recommend fertilizing every 4-6 weeks during the growing season, which usually falls between spring and summer.

In the vibrant, busy months of spring and summer, your Monstera is living its best life, using up all the nutrients in the soil.

During this time, it’s a good idea to fertilize every 4-6 weeks. It’s like keeping the buffet stocked for your hungry plant.

When the chill of fall and winter rolls around, your Monstera gets a bit lazy.

Its growth slows down, and it doesn’t need as much food.

So, I’ve found it’s best to cut back to fertilizing once every 2-3 months.

It’s like switching from a full meal to a light snack.

Remember, not just any fertilizer will do. You wouldn’t like to eat poor quality food, would you? So don’t do that to your Monstera. Stick to a high-quality, balanced fertilizer that’s designed for foliage plants.

And when it comes to applying that fertilizer, always read the label. Using too much can actually harm your plant.

Here’s the schedule I’ve stuck to for my own Monstera Adansonii:

  • Spring and summer: Fertilize every 4-6 weeks
  • Fall and winter: Fertilize every 2-3 months

So, the takeaway here is to dance to the rhythm of your Monstera Adansonii’s needs.

Keep that feeding schedule in sync with its growth cycle, and you’ll see a difference.

It’s all about striking a balance. With the right care and a bit of patience, you’ll be the proud plant parent of a thriving, lush, and vibrant Monstera.

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